Get The App...Become a Runner

Get The App...Become a Runner

The couch to 5k app by Public Health England is truly awesome! I only wish I’d known about it when I started my running journey.

The couch to 5k app gives you everything you need to hit your first big milestone of running 5k. Although every week you will achieve something you never thought would be possible just the week before.

From the moment you download the app you can select your very own personal trainer. The choice includes Laura, Jo Whiley, Sanjeev Kohli, Sarah Millican and Michael Johnson.  My wife decided Jo would be for her, as did my colleague at work. Both said she was great, felt like she gave the right amount of motivation throughout and she had experienced what you go through as you’re running.

The app promises to have you achieving 5k by running 3 times a week for 9weeks, and if you follow the plan, and use our tips you will be running 5k at the end of the programme.

The app lets you play music whilst you run, but importantly the app lowers the music volume when the coach provides advice and guidance.

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